Alliant pets have become our new co-workers as we continue to work from home during the pandemic. We thought it might be fun to share some pet photos and detail their personalities in a light hearted post.
Kevin Frank – Rosie

Introducing the newest member to the team, Rosie. She is currently weighing in at about 4lbs, but brings a ton of excitement and joy to anyone she comes in contact with. One can’t help but melt when she is snuggled up in their arms. She loves to be loved. Golden Doodles are known to be gentle and affectionate and just all around easy-going. Given craziness of this year so far, it’s the perfect match for the Frank’s.
Lindsay Davis – Barley

Barley the craft brew kitty was rescued from the Warren County Humane Society in November 2015.
I saw an ad that Zappo’s was covering the adoption fees for all cats the weekend of Black Friday, so we decided to just go take a look, and the rest is history.
Her favorite pastimes include; sleeping in the living room, playing cat games on the iPad, staring out the windows, sleeping in the guest room, and watching football on tv.
She loves her humans, enjoys talking to them at all hours of the day, and night.. and has definitely enjoyed their extra presence during lockdown!
Rusty Hutchison – Bean

For this unique season Bean Hutchison has taken on the new role of Stress Manager for all household operations. Steeped in deep Terrier tradition, Bean knows exactly when to relieve and even increase stress around the house for maximum operation. Exercising a passive sleep-work philosophy, Bean relies on pure instincts when it comes to making his voice known or when to contribute to a problem. When asked about how he liked his new role, he just wagged his tale, which seemed to make everyone feel better. Here’s to a job well done Bean.
Will Rees – Puck and Olivia Newton Cat (aka Olive)

Puck and Olive were adopted in October 2013. My wife and I went in to get one cat, but couldn’t resist getting the pair. Puck’s favorite activities are putting all of his cat toys in random toilets throughout the house and sleeping on warm things. Olive’s most notable past time is bird watching on top of her cat tree.
Dana Sow – Corbu

Corbu is an 8 year old Shetland Sheepdog, still a puppy at heart. He loves to snuggle right next to Dana during work-at-home hours, and gets excited for the frequent backyard outings. Please wish him good luck at his upcoming heart exam!